Introducing the 2-Pack Drain Field Cleaner Value Bundle!

Drain Field Cleaner cleans the entire septic system -- tank, pipes, and drain field -- and gets it flowing smoothly again.
How Dr. Pooper's Bio-Accelerators Work
Dr. Pooper Products are...

Our customers are saving thousands of dollars instead of pumping or replacing their drain fields.
Drain Field Cleaner turns the organic sludge and clogs into harmless liquid and gases -- clearing up the tank and opening up your drain field pipes and drain/leach field in the ground around the pipes -- and gets your system flowing smoothly again.
Plus, if it doesn't work for you then we will refund your money.
Guaranteed to Work or Your Money Back
Cleans & Maintains Drain Fields to Keep Your Yard Free of Gross Mud
Turns Organic Solids into Liquid & Harmless Gases
Clears Even Huge Organic Waste Blockages
Breaks Up Biomat that forms outside drain field pipes
Eliminates Awful and Embarrassing Odors within Hours
Safe, All-Natural, No-worry Ingredients
Invented & MADE IN THE USA
Works in Aerobic & Anaerobic Septic Systems
Works in Traditional Drain Fields & Spray Irrigation Systems
Works with Aerators
Effective Year-Round, even in cold months (as long as the water in your tank isn't frozen)
Safe for Old, Fragile Systems (Iron, Ceramic, or PVC)
Rejuvenates old septic systems that haven't been used in a while
Creates & Maintains a Healthy Septic Biome
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

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The Drain Field Cleaner System is derived from our commercial products developed for clearing organic sludge and clogs in municipal wastewater treatment and agricultural (livestock) lagoons.
- Includes 15 "FS66" Commercial-Strength Tablets
- Easy To Use: Let Tablet Dissolve in Toilet & Flush
- Clears Drain Fields
- Clears Your Tank & Pipes
- Safe for All Systems, Including Older Iron & Ceramic Pipes
- Works for Aerobic & Anaerobic Systems
- Works in Traditional Drain Fields AND Spray Irrigation Systems
- Eliminates the Production of Odors
- Totally Safe & Non-toxic (for pets, kids, yard, etc)
- Great for "Re-starting" systems that haven't been used in a while
The formula is designed to clean millions of gallons in highly dynamic systems so rest assured that it works in septic systems.
No Risk. Guaranteed to Work or Your Money Back.
Frequently Asked Questions
The #1 Question: How does it work?

The #2 Most Common Question: Why does it work better than normal additives?
ANSWER: Instead of simply adding an insignificant additional packet or cup of bacteria like most treatments, Accelerator by Dr. Pooper® products MULTIPLY the bacteria in your tank so there are truly enough bacteria to eat the solids and clean your system.
Other Common Questions
It's easy! Flush it down any toilet connected to the septic system.
Drain Field Cleaner Tablets: Put 2 tablets into your toilet bowl and allow it to dissolve, then flush. Use 2 tablets every 3 days until your system is working properly. For maintenance, use 1 tablet every 2 weeks.
You can also put it directly into the tank if you prefer.
Accelerator Liquid: Per instructions on bottle, pour the right amount from the dosing section (small section) into the toilet and flush.
There are 15 "FS66" tablets in the container. For the initial cleaning (especially if your system is backed up or clogged), use 2 tablets every 3 days until your system is flowing properly again. Then, use 1 tablet every 2 weeks.
Many of our customers simply use the entire jar (first time) to give their system a good cleanout. That is ok.
6-Month Supply: If you are using Drain Field Cleaner for stay-clean maintenance, then simply use 1 tablet every 2 weeks.
We also have products and solutions for municipal wastewater systems and various industrial applications, such as for oil and gas production and saltwater disposal. Feel free to contact us if you have questions.
Yes. You can use Drain Field Cleaner in septic systems with spray irrigation systems.
It also works in other "non-traditional" septic systems and drain fields such as sand mound, chamber systems, drip systems, evapotranspiration systems, recirculating sand filter systems, and even lagoons (lagoons often require multiple jars due to their large volume).
Your system has natural bacteria in it. Adding a cup of bacteria to your system doesn't hurt anything but it doesn't deliver enough bacteria to make a noticeable difference (research backs this up again and again).
Bacteria eat organic materials in your tank (poo) but there aren't enough bacteria to stay ahead of what gets added to the system -- so it clogs up over time.
THAT is what we changed.
Think of it like this:
Imagine ALL the bacteria in your system were collected and fit into a 1-gallon jug.
Next, add your usual cup or so of bacteria to your tank. Now, you have 1 gallon and a cup of bacteria in your system.
Instead of adding bacteria, Accelerator by Dr. Pooper MULTIPLIES that gallon into 30 or 40 gallons of bacteria.
...and that's enough bacteria to clear your septic system and keep it clean.
Yes. We had this situation in mind when we developed Drain Field Cleaner.
Drain Field Cleaner includes a special blend of 26 septic bacteria to rejuvenate old or dormant septic systems and to give an extra boost to any system.
Important: The Accelerator formula and the bacteria need a wet medium to move through. Make sure your tanks are full enough to be moving fluid/effluent/water into the drain field before using Drain Field Cleaner.
Accelerator has repeatedly demonstrated that it will break down even very thick, hard layers in septic systems as long as there is wet solution in the tank and system so the Accelerator solution and the invigorated bacteria can spread.
This is a super common question.
They are the same thing. The words are used interchangeably.
Yes, you can use Accelerator products even in metal septic tanks. It will not harm the tank.
Yes, it will greatly reduce odors and increase the rate of breakdown of fecal solids (to harmless liquids and gases) for any application. If your pets or livestock waste is consolidated to a specific area (a cesspool, bucket/basin, or lagoon) then Accelerator will work -- including commercial applications such as veterinarian or boarding facilities, livestock lagoons, and more.
NO. Drain Field Cleaner does NOT clear roots.
It clears organic waste solids from septic systems so they can move through the system and your system gets flowing properly again.
Yes, it is safe for those.
The only thing we don't recommend is to let it sit on metal parts -- in its concentrated form. The Accelerator by Dr. Pooper is an exceptionally mild oxidizer -- much less potent than bleach, for instance, and you probably used that without even thinking about it.
When used as directed -- being flushed or poured into drains -- it is totally safe for any kind of system or pipe.
Yes, we've seen success with grinder pumps using the liquid Accelerator by Dr. Pooper (1 quart bottle). It appears to work best when used at night because this gives the accelerated bacteria time to do their work (reproduce and eat).
Our suggested dosing is the ideal scenario to distribute Accelerator evenly throughout your septic system.
... but we totally understand that it's not always convenient to flush a little every day.
Yes, Accelerator will still work if you need to flush the initial dose in one or two bigger doses (a single 6 oz pour or two 3 oz pours, for example).
We refer to them as "FS66" because this is a residential (and light commercial) version of our commercial-strength products, designed for use in livestock waste lagoons (which must be non-toxic and natural) and small municipal systems (again, non-toxic required). Our commercial products use the "FSXXXX" designation.
There you go!
Yes. We have many commercial customers -- from building to facilities managers to property managers -- who use Accelerator for their commercial septic systems. The benefits they've shared include:
- Reduced or eliminated odors
- Significant reduction or elimination of pumping service needs and cost
- A more smoothly operating septic system overall
The treatment instructions on the bottle are for residential-volume use for systems with tanks up to about 1,500 gallons (a little bigger is ok).
For commercial use, such as office buildings where there many more people contributing to the system, we typically recommend double or even triple doses. It depends on the size of your system and the number of people using it. You are welcome to contact us for assistance and recommendations.
Invoicing is available for purchases of multiple bottles. We can also set up recurring billing and auto-pay.
Yes, First Strike! is awesome for removing odors and organic clogs (and gunk) in RV and camper waste systems.
You can also use it for camp latrines or outhouses.
Yes! We have products for treating livestock wastewater lagoons as well as municipal wastewater treatment.
See our commercial division at
Accelerator by Dr. Pooper products only clear organic septic waste clogs and sludge. They will not clear clogs caused by wipes, diapers, toilet paper, plastic bags, and other inorganic man-made materials. Accelerator by Dr. Pooper products will also not clear roots from drain fields.