What NOT to Flush: Protecting Your Septic System from Common Hazards

While septic systems are designed to handle human waste and biodegradable materials, certain items or chemicals should never find their way into your toilet. Let’s explore the common hazards that can jeopardize your septic system’s efficiency and longevity and provide insight into why you should never flush down your drains!

Disposable Wipes

Myth: “Flushable” wipes are safe for septic systems.
Reality: Despite being marketed as flushable, many wipes don’t break down as easily as toilet paper. Flushing wipes can lead to clogs and blockages in your septic system.

Feminine Hygiene Products

Myth: It’s okay to flush tampons and sanitary pads.
Reality: Feminine hygiene products are not biodegradable and can quickly cause blockages in your septic system. Dispose of them in the trash instead.

Paper Towels and Tissues

Myth: Paper towels and tissues break down like toilet paper.
Reality: Unlike toilet paper designed to disintegrate quickly, paper towels and tissues can linger in your septic tank, leading to potential clogs.

Cooking Grease and Oils

Myth: It’s fine to pour cooking grease and oils down the drain.
Reality: Grease and oils solidify over time, creating blockages in your septic system. Dispose of them in the trash or a designated recycling facility.

Harsh Chemicals

Myth: Using chemicals like bleach and drain cleaners won’t harm the septic system.
Reality: Harsh chemicals can kill the bacteria in your septic tank, hindering its ability to break down waste. Opt for septic-safe products to avoid damaging your system.


Myth: Flushing expired or unused medications is safe.

Reality: Pharmaceuticals can contaminate groundwater and harm the beneficial bacteria in your septic system. Properly dispose of medications through a take-back program or at a designated drop-off location.

Dental Floss and Cotton Swabs

Myth: Small items like dental floss and cotton swabs won’t cause issues.

Reality: These items can accumulate and create blockages in your septic system. Dispose of them in the trash instead.

Cat Litter

Myth: Cat litter labeled as flushable is safe for septic systems.
Reality: Cat litter can contribute to clogs and should never be flushed, even if labeled as flushable. It doesn’t break down as easily as toilet paper.

Paint and Household Chemicals

Myth: Flushing small amounts of paint and household chemicals is harmless.
Reality: These substances can harm the bacteria in your septic tank and pose environmental risks. Properly dispose of them at a hazardous waste collection site.

Food Scraps

Myth: It’s convenient to dispose of small food scraps down the garbage disposal.
Reality: While some septic systems can handle small amounts of food waste, excessive use of garbage disposals can strain the system. Dispose of larger food scraps in the trash.

Understanding what not to flush is crucial for the health and longevity of your septic system. Septic maintenance products such as Accelerator by Dr Pooper® are effective in keeping your system flowing properly as long as you take care of your system.

By avoiding common hazards and adopting proper disposal practices, you can protect your investment, prevent costly repairs, and contribute to a healthier environment. Remember, if you’re ever unsure about whether an item is safe to flush, it’s better to dispose of it in the trash. Taking these precautions ensures that your septic system continues to operate efficiently, providing a reliable and eco-friendly solution for wastewater disposal.


  1. Billy Buchanan on February 15, 2024 at 8:45 am

    I noticed in one of your customers comments that you told them about a product to help with roots in the field line. My daughter is having trouble with roots in hers.could you suggest a product for them? Thanks

    • Chris Denny on February 16, 2024 at 5:15 pm

      Hi Billy,
      Copper Sulfate is the most commonly used product to kill roots in septic systems. It’s nasty stuff so wear gloves and eye protection when handling.
      Have a great day!

  2. Joseph Rocheford on April 11, 2024 at 2:34 pm

    My toilet suddenly after a bad storm the water did not fill in the bowl. Tank was fine but not bowl. Flushing was rough and so little water was splashing upward. I called plumber it was going to cost $350 just for visit. I then went and purchased Rid-X large dose as recommended. It did nothing. Then a week later bought mean green toilet drain cleaner. It did nothing now $40 spent I just decided to deal with it and flush before using. I was reading my Facebook and came across your product. I researched it and saw positive results and only a few negative comments. I went ahead and ordered it. It was very prompt and quick delivery. I did the treatment as instructions indicated 2 tablets fizz and flush. I am pleased to report whatever it is or was stopping proper Flushing your product had it going within 24hrs of treatment. So today I gave it a 2nd treatment. I am pleased and thank you for your company and it’s product. I know you have said it may not solve everyone’s problem but your company offers a refund which is not offered by anyone else. I will recommend your product for use. Thanking you again, Joseph Rocheford

    • Chris Denny on April 11, 2024 at 4:17 pm

      Fantastic! Thanks, Joseph! We love hearing great stories like this and we’re thrilled that it solved your problem without an expensive visit from the plumber. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your business!

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